Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op


Registration Fees


What are LHCC fees and how often do we pay them?


LHCC have registration and insurance fees:

Registration fees for new families are 25.00 

Registration fees for returning families are 20.00

Insurance is 15.00 per child for the school year 

Registration fees are paid each semester, Insurance is paid once per school calendar year.

*All of these fees are non-refundable fees

Tuition Payments


When do we pay tuition?


If your student or students have the same teacher (even if they are different classes), you can combine in one check or in the same envelope for cash.


For Cash please put in an envelope with Student’s name and teachers name (if student’s last name is different from parents please write Parents last name also on envelope)


If writing a check in memo section please write students name. CHECKS DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN AN ENVELOPE


All payments are due on the 1st Tuesday of each month. If you have to be late please let one of the admins know that you can’t pay on that Tuesday. If payments are not in on the 1st Tuesday, an invoice will be sent to you reminding you to pay. If you are overdue by 2 months there will be a late fee of $5 per class added to your account for each month you are late. This includes Registration and Insurance Fees to LHCC.


It is not fair to the teachers to be teaching your child(ren) and you not paying them. If there is extenuating circumstances please let us know, don’t just not pay


What is the process to pay for my classes? (How do I write the checks or handle cash payments)


The first Tuesday of every month tuition is due. There will be signs showing you where to turn in tuition.

Cash: Please use one envelope per class, write teacher's name, student's name, the class they are taking and amount on the envelope.

One envelope per class, so if you are signed up for 3 classes you need 3 envelopes. Please ask the board if you have any more questions.

Check: Please write class, students name on the memo line of the check. Write one check for each class. Each check should be written directly to the teacher. Anytime (other than Registration) if you have the same teacher for mulitple classes you may combine your checks.  Please write in the memo student(s) name(s) and classes. (Envelopes are NOT NEEDED!)

So, if you have 5 classes then you would write 5 checks. Please see the board if you have more questions.

The board members will record that you have paid then give each teacher the cash or checks.



Why call it tuition when it seems like monthly payments?


Tuition is defined as a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.

It is also defined as teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups.

This applies to the co-op, that is why you will see the term tuition.

Drop/Add Classes


If I register for a class, am I committed to pay for the whole semester?


Classes can be dropped with no further money due (For Fall) by the last day in August (For Spring ) by last day in January. After those days if your child drops the class (except in the case of teacher asking them to leave) you are still responsible for the class fees. If the teacher asks them to leave then you are NOT responsible for the fees for the rest of the semester.

 All supply fees are non-refundable due to the fact the teacher has already bought the supplies for the class anticipating your child being in the class.